OK. Who's ever started to tell a partner a story and have him (sorry, guys!) interrupt to talk about something entirely unrelated? I'm thinking, tennis. Oh, wait, that's my husband. Of course, women do it, too, but a new study says that, instead of complaining, women, prompt . It's that simple, apparently, according to a newswise.com story. Since men, when they hear a problem, typically try to solve it, the web site notes, that infuriates women. But that's not what they want. Most times, it's just to vent. A prompt reminds your spouse of what you're seeking. Lifelong habits are hard to change, for all of us, and that's why a prompt can make all the difference, putting something on a partner's radar in advance so that you're less likely to feel disappointed afterwards. A form of assertiveness, prompting is how we're good to ourselves, not leaving something to chance when we can increase the odds. Better to offer a prompt ...